Words Matter #8: Maximize your conversational influence


They occur daily in hallways, breakrooms, between cubicles, across conference tables… and yes, in bathrooms.

Impromptu conversations.

These short exchanges are powerful opportunities to influence. Used effectively, they can be the perfect time to inspire others toward productive and meaningful action.

As spontaneous as these interactions may be, that’s no reason to be unprepared.

Amplify your impact:

  1. Know your audience: Be a student of your listeners. People care about what’s important to them. Pay attention. Discover how your message can connect with them personally.

  2. People act emotionally and justify logically: This is critical. Influence inspires action. What you say must cause them to feel something and it must make sense.

  3. Be different: Anyone can say they’re different. It’s your responsibility to demonstrate it. Apply these two concepts:

    • Be simple and clear.

    • Communicate with power. Drop your verbal safety nets and resist starting sentences with I think…I believe…I hope….

  4. Invite them in: “I’m a good conversationalist, I love to talk.” No. You’re not a good conversationalist. You love to talk. A good conversationalist loves to listen. Use questions that invite dialogue and create understanding, like: How does that sound to you? Tell me your thoughts. What else should we consider?


Practice this tool and you’ll transform informal conversations into influential conversations.

Words matter; maximize your conversational influence.

Click to hone your skills with another topic in the Words Matter series:

Words Matter #12: Design and deliver better questions

Words Matter #11: Earn your audience's attention

Words Matter #10: Choose learning over knowing

Words Matter #9: Say what you want

Words Matter #7: Face your truth

Words Matter #6: Aim to impact; not impress

Words Matter #5: What’s love got to do with it?

Words Matter #4: Don’t contaminate the conversation

Words Matter #3: It's not about you

Words Matter #2: Three dead-weight words to leave behind

Words Matter #1: Communicate with power

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