Words Matter #4: Don’t contaminate the conversation


It’s obvious when the only voice you value is your own.

Here's the status quo scenario:

  1. Manager starts meeting.

  2. Manager points out what’s going wrong.

  3. Manager offers a solution to fix the problem.

  4. Manager asks, “Any other ideas?” (Cue the sound of crickets and a collective corporate nod.)

  5. Manager interprets silence as confirmation to move forward with their plan.

Leaders who speak too soon contaminate the conversation.

Engaging leaders need innovative ideas, thoughtful insight, alternative perspectives, and buy-in.

How the heck is that achieved?

Seek answers before you speak answers.

Change your interactions from a monologue to a dialogue.

Skillful listening cultivates the raw ingredients required for collective success and demonstrates to your team that their voices have value.

Imagine the difference:

  1. Manager starts meeting.

  2. Manager recognizes what’s going well… then asks their team what challenges they’ve been facing.

  3. Manager listens as team members identify where they’re getting stuck.

  4. Manager facilitates a collaborative discussion of potential solutions. (Cue energized conversation with innovative ideas.)

  5. Manager mobilizes the best plan by equipping their team with clearly defined action steps and mutual accountability.

Stop talking. Start asking. Listen intently.

What you’ll hear will transform your results.

Words matter; don’t contaminate the conversation.

Click to hone your skills with another topic in the Words Matter series:

Words Matter #12: Design and deliver better questions

Words Matter #11: Earn your audience's attention

Words Matter #10: Choose learning over knowing

Words Matter #9: Say what you want

Words Matter #8: Maximize your conversational influence

Words Matter #7: Face your truth

Words Matter #6: Aim to impact; not impress

Words Matter #5: What’s love got to do with it?

Words Matter #3: It's not about you

Words Matter #2: Three dead-weight words to leave behind

Words Matter #1: Communicate with power