You’re in charge of who you become


“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” - Jim Rohn

The best version of you is always in the making.

Or not.

If you want to experience lasting results, personal growth has to be a priority.

You may affirm this concept. Do you apply it?

Endless and constant demands vie for your attention.

They can’t be ignored…and they also don’t rule over you.

Carving out time for yourself is not an unattainable luxury, it’s a necessary choice.

Secure 15-minutes of distraction-free space on your calendar today. It’s doable and desirable.

Here is your agenda: Think.

  • How have you been neglecting yourself?

  • How might you give yourself the attention you deserve?

  • What is a major barrier to your growth and how can you overcome it?

  • What new skills would serve you well?

Now breathe. That’s it. That’s a start.

Tomorrow, take another small step towards who you want to become.