If you have any questions or would like your registration process to have a personal touch, connect with us at:

(336)317-4603 or hello@reviveyourwork.com


This energetic, thought-evoking, and interactive 2-day experience gets you on your feet presenting in front of an audience. Communicate with confidence, clarity, and conviction utilizing our 5-Step Persuasive Presentations Model to cultivate chemistry with your audience to drive meaningful action. One-on-one, strength-based coaching sessions after each of your video-recorded presentations will provide breakthrough moments to maximize your impact and influence as a thought leader.


Growth goals

  • Deliver effective openings to ensure your audience is fully present

  • Inspire your listeners by tapping into why your topic matters to them

  • Intrigue your audience with relevant, results-focused reasoning

  • Engage and guide your listeners through solution-centered dialogue

  • Drive meaningful action through clear and compelling next steps

If you have any questions or would like your registration process to have a personal touch, connect with us at:

(336)317-4603 or hello@reviveyourwork.com



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2-Day Course: Master the Art of Persuasive Presentations 2-Day Course: Master the Art of Persuasive Presentations
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(Y)our Coaching team


Rich Schlentz

Head Facilitator

Sarah Schlentz

Review Room Coach


What people are saying


If you have any questions or would like your registration process to have a personal touch, connect with us at:

(336)317-4603 or hello@reviveyourwork.com

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