Practical Pointer #2: Shift from knowing about to knowing


The health of meaningful workplace relationships is under assault.

The cause? Look no farther than the usual suspects:

Pace. Deadlines. Meetings. Tasks. Projects. Deliverables.

We often ask our clients, “What does it look like to know about your colleagues without knowing them?"

One of the best answers we’ve heard is, “It’s asking them to run a report, without knowing the names of their kids.”

Powerful and honest.

The oversight of the human element impacts us individually and collectively.

As our workplace relationships suffer so does a whole host of corresponding business results.

The pace of business isn’t going to slow down. The more hectic things get, the more intentional we must be.

Despite the chaos, make the choice to pause and ask someone a personal question today:

  • What led you to come work here?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • What does your family like to do together?

When you shift from knowing about to knowing, the people around you become more interesting and energizing. Not because they changed…because you changed.

What topics intrigue you?