Your To-Be List

It’s my morning ritual. Up by 4:30. Shower. Eat. Sit quietly with my Day-Timer (old school) and contemplate the day before me.

This particular morning a voice kicked off a private conversation in my head.

“Rich, see the emails, the tasks, and deadlines you’ve noted?”


“That’s your to-do list.”

Got it.

“Now, look at your appointments that involve people.”


“Let's call that your to-be list.”


“Your to-do list is driven by things. Your to-be list is about connecting with others by listening, understanding, encouraging, and remaining completely present where you are. At the end of the day, at the end of the year, at the end of your life, to-be trumps to-do. It’s what makes life worth living. Get it?”

Uh huh.

“Rich, today focus on being.”


What’s on your to-be list today?