You find what you’re looking for


You just purchased that new car.

As you cruise down the highway, you notice something. A very specific thing:

Your car. Same make...same model…same color. They seem to be everywhere.

What caused the phenomena of highways suddenly becoming flooded with cars just like yours?

Nothing happened outside of yourself.

Those cars were there all along.

In a larger scope, this demonstrates an incredible power:

What you’re looking for determines what you see.

If you’re looking for disrespect, limitations, or barriers, you’ll find them.

If you’re looking for kindness, generosity, or opportunity, that’s what you’ll encounter.

Pema Chödrön, an American Tibetan Buddhist, said it like this, “If your view is basic badness, you see it wherever you go. If your view is basic goodness, you see it wherever you go.”

Beware (or better yet, be aware) of what you’re looking for—that’s exactly what you’ll find.