Why nobody reads your emails

Why nobody reads your emails.jpg

Writing an email that gets a rapid response is a fair expectation.

It’s also a rare occurrence.

Most emails don’t get the attention we desire because we haven’t given them the intention they deserve.

Before hitting send, give your work an honest evaluation.


  1. Make the subject about them: Speak the value language of your reader. What do they care about? What’s on the top of their mind? Include key words and phrases in your subject line.

  2. Keep it brief: Emails that require scrolling end up in the “read later”, aka “read never”, file. If your email demands multiple paragraphs, consider making it a conversation.

  3. Highlight the big idea: In journalism they say, “don’t bury the lead”. Why is your topic relevant to the reader? Make that clear from the start.

  4. Make it easy to view: Fewer words and a thoughtful format are key. Use short sentences and bullet points to guide your reader’s focus to what matters most.

  5. Make it easy to follow: Ensure your ideas flow in a logical and sensible manner.

  6. Make it easy to respond: What action should the reader take? Clearly define who should do what by when.

  7. Edit for power: Minimize how many times you use the word, “I” and limit use of weak words and phrases.

People don’t have extra attention to invest in anything that doesn’t provide obvious value.

If you want to improve the fate of your emails, a little intention could save them from being overlooked, or worse…deleted.