How to not insult your audience

How to not insult your audience.jpg

Presenter’s opening line: “How’s everyone doing today?”

Audience response: a half-hearted, “good.”

Presenter’s retort: “Come on, you can do better than that…let’s try again, ‘How’s everyone doing today?’!”

Stop it. As a communicator, YOU can do better than that.

Think about when you pass by someone and ask, “How are ya?”

You expect a scripted response. Something like, “Great, how bout you?”

You will not receive a genuine reply to a canned question.

Why should your audience respond any different?

Rather than complaining about a lack of enthusiasm, own the fact that your opening phrase lacked creativity.

Your audience is smart. Treat them that way.

When opening a presentation, meeting, or casual conversation, your purpose is to:

            1. Capture attention

            2. Set the tone (not a boring one please)

            3. Make a human connection

If you're seeking better results, start by not insulting your audience.

Instead, have the courage and skill to invite a unique and genuine encounter.