Vet what you value


Common corporate rhetoric sounds like: “People are our most valuable asset.”

The problem is…words aren’t always backed up by behaviors.

Have the courage to ask yourself if there’s a disparity between what you say and what you do.

Not sure? Vet what you value with a 3-point check-in:

  1. Where do I spend my time?

  2. Where do I spend my energy?

  3. Where do I spend my money?

The collective investment of time, energy, and money is the true indicator of what you value.

Evaluate your calendar, focus, and budget. What do they reveal about your priorities?

Put your beliefs into practice. Move beyond programmed sound bites and demonstrate that people truly are your most valuable asset.

When is the last time you showed your team how much they matter?

If you have to stop and think, it’s not too late to make them a priority today.

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