The power of the suggester


One…two...I gripped the bar tight as if it would make the weight lighter.

Three…four…my muscles were already burning.

Five…six…I wanted this set to be over.

Seven…eight…another deep breath – so close.

Nine…only one more to go…

Then, right before I finished, my trainer surprised me:

“Two more!”

Wait…our original goal was ten. My mind and muscles were done and ready to rack the weight. Yet, I followed his suggestion and did two more.

Driving home, I reflected. A simple suggestion helped me push myself and accomplish a better result: Twelve reps instead of ten. In business terms, it’s a 20% increase in productivity. That’s significant.

I didn’t push myself further, work harder, and endure more pain simply because of a suggestion. I pushed myself further, worked harder, and endured more pain because of who the suggester was. My friendship with and respect for my trainer is the reason I continued.

The power of the suggester fuels the suggestion.

So, what makes a powerful suggester?

  • Trust—Trust is built over time. Be patient as it starts slowly and builds with each meaningful interaction.

  • Focus—Focus on what others care about by understanding their why. Stick by people and encourage them to do the work necessary to achieve the goals important to them.

  • Example—Example leads the way. Credibility comes from walking your talk. Don’t ask someone to do what you’re not willing to do yourself.

We all have the opportunity to encourage people to achieve more than they thought possible.

Have you earned the right to suggest “two more” of others?