Shift your perspective


There have always been a few calls I’d answer...even when focused on work.

One of those numbers was my daughter’s school.

When I saw it, I dropped what I was doing and answered. Carley’s voice told me she wasn’t feeling well before she even said it.

I decided to pick her up, hoping that rest would be the best medicine.

On our way home, we stopped at the store to get a few things.

Returning to our car, I heard a strange hissing sound. Getting closer, I noticed the right rear tire beginning to sag.

I silently went down a path of negativity.

Thoughts like, I can’t believe this is happening to me and this is not the time to have a flat flooded my mind.

That’s when Carley spoke wisdom beyond her years: “What a great place to have a flat!”

My negative mentality came to a screeching halt as I was forced to admit… she was right.

This was a great place to have a flat. We weren’t on a busy highway or a gravel road miles from civilization. We were in the middle of a calm and spacious parking lot.

The experience was painless except for the occasional, “Dad, why does it take you so long to change one tire?”

Choosing negativity is easy. It takes no skill. Over time it becomes a well-worn path that’s exhausting…and addicting.

Deciding to see the positive embedded in frustrating situations requires self-awareness and ongoing effort. The results are worth it.

Who knows…with enough practice, you might even take a page out of Carley’s book and proclaim:

“What a great place to have a flat!”

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