Questions worth answering

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This is no time to shrink back from focusing on culture.

More than ever, your team is looking for inspiration.

Take a deep breath from battling the urgent and focus on what's important:

 Human connection.

Our team recently carved out time to interact in a meaningful and memorable way.

 The conversation was positive, insightful, encouraging...and exactly what we needed.

Here's how it works: Give each person on your team a few minutes to contemplate the questions below. Then everyone takes turns verbalizing their thoughts with the group (best done face-to-face and can also be effective through video conference).

 Here’s what we worked through:

1.     What 1 key strength do you admire in each person on our team? When have you seen them demonstrate this specific strength?

2.     What 1 thing could each person on our team do better/different to provide greater impact in their role?

3.     What 1 thing does our team do really well?

4.     What 1 thing could our team do better to provide greater impact for our clients and the world?

Pause. Reflect. Ask: What does this say about who we are as individuals and as a group? What actions should we take in order to improve as professionals and as a team?

 The questions worth answering are often the ones we are too busy to ask.

 Make the commitment to revive your work and your team.