How to solve a problem


You could call them challenges…

Or you could get real: You have problems at work.

Sometimes it’s a process or project while other times…it’s a person.

And when those problems persist…they become patterns.

Patterns that perpetuate stress, frustration, and aggravation.

Rather than hoping they change…take responsibility for what you can change.

Yourself. The only person you have control over.

Take a moment and consider what pattern problem might have you tangled these days.

Then, ask yourself 3 courageous questions:

  1. What’s my role in this?

  2. What might I do differently?

  3. How can I grow from this?

By embracing these questions, and the insight they provide, you reclaim your power.

It's time to overcome the patterns and move forward with positive action.

What will be your first step?

What topics intrigue you?