Faulty programming


Why did I resist getting help when my life was going poorly?


All of us show up in this world with a clean slate. A blank hard drive.

Then we begin to receive input. We listen. We observe. We have interactions.

Moment-by-moment what we hear, see, and experience begins to form our Belief.

Finally, the programming that creates our belief system expresses itself as our Behavior.

For most of my life, my programming intake shouted: Men who seek help are weak.

The resulting belief showed up in my behavior: I was more willing to let something crumble than feel fragile.

My turning point came when I began the journey of reprogramming. I searched for an alternate truth. One that said: Men who seek help are courageous.

Ultimately, I found it.

This life transforming lesson taught me: In order to get a me that behaves differently, I needed a me that believes differently…and that starts with programming.

What new programming will ensure you get the behavior you’re seeking?