Back to normal

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“I’m just looking forward to when things get back to normal.”

It’s a common phrase in today’s conversation.

I’ve even heard prayers requesting God to hurry up and return our lives to normal.

Truth is, I’ve entertained this idea myself. Especially during moments I’m feeling particularly vulnerable.

These desires rise from the part of our human nature that craves comfort and few things are more comforting than normal.

Let’s pause for a moment. Is this really want we hope for?

Do we really want to return to the normal where we silently ached for change?

It wasn’t too long ago that we wished for space to slow down and breathe.

We asked for time to build and strengthen important relationships.

We hoped for a moment to take a walk and fill our lungs with fresh air.

We yearned for the margin to nurture our creative side.  

I find myself craving a different sort of conversation. A different kind of prayer.

One that sounds like: “I’m eager to see how this experience will make us better.”

What if, years from now, this was the time we individually and collectively decided that slow is the right speed, relationships are a priority, health is paramount, and creativity is our nature?

Things have changed. What will we do with it?

We can do better than normal.