3 Common Reactions that Prevent Loyalty


Loyal customers exhibit powerful behaviors:

  • They keep coming back

  • They only have eyes for you

  • They brag about you

  • They seek you out

  • They forgive you

If these aren’t the customers coming through your door, consider this:

Loyalty is not the responsibility of the customer; it is the responsibility of the company.

Here are 3 common experiences that prevent your customers from choosing to be loyal:

  1. Policy: “Well, our policy is…”

    • Don't allow policies to become barriers. Instead, consider how you can make things work for the benefit of your customers.

  1. Problem: “Here’s the problem…”

    • Customers have enough problems of their own without you piling more on. Instead, talk about the solutions you can provide.

  1. Pass-it-along: “That’s not my department…”

    • Rather than pass the responsibility of customer care onto someone else, stick with them until the problem is solved.

Loyal customers/clients/patients are rare because mediocre interactions are abundant.

Your customers are seeking an experience that will transform their satisfaction into loyalty. Make loyalty an easy choice by providing an uncommon experience that focuses on them, solves problems, and takes responsibility for seeing things through.

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