Release Your Oz Complex

A couple of my coaching clients had a revelation.It started by outlining qualities they desired to obtain as a result of our work together. Then they conducted face-to-face interviews with a number of their colleagues.

They asked these coworkers to list strengths observed in them. Interestingly enough, the traits pointed out were the same ones my clients hoped to acquire.

As a result, they had release their Oz complex.

What’s an Oz complex? It’s the most common delusion on the planet. It’s a belief that you’re currently lacking the qualities required to become the person you envision. Courage…nope. Heart…nada. Brains…none.

Even armed with this new awareness, my clients have plenty of hard work before them.

They’ll have to navigate the challenging journey of personal development. It will require them to come face-to-face with the flying monkeys of self-doubt and undo the false programming of their very own Wicked Witch of the West.

Just as my clients already possess everything they need to be successful—so do you. In reality, you have all the courage, heart, and brains you’ll ever need. Right now. They’re yours to discover, yours to embrace, and yours to utilize.

Your personal yellow brick road is waiting for you. It’s time to start.