Make Friends With the 4-Letter Word

The 4-letter F word has too much power. It gets too much credit—too much attention. The word? F-E-A-R.

We let it prevent us from living fully. We blame it for remaining stuck in a job, relationship, or place that we’ve outgrown. It’s the perfect excuse for not achieving our dreams.

I often hear people refer to their personal battle with fear.

If you have taken fear on as an opponent, be warned:

It’s the reigning heavyweight champion of the world with nothing to prove…

Fear doesn’t fight back in order to defeat you.

It doesn’t need to…

What it wants more than anything is to paralyze … stall… and immobilize you.

Fear has one move: project an imaginary force field around your comfort zone… in hopes to trap you there. Forever.

Stop making fear your enemy…

Instead, make it your friend.

Invite it to sit down. Look it in the eye and have a real conversation. If you are willing to ask it questions, fear can tell you more about yourself than you ever imagined.

Diffuse the illusion of fear and you’re free to take action.

Courageous action takes you outside the safety of your comfort zone so the adventure you’ve been sent here for can continue to unfold.

Fear is a misunderstood bully. There’s no need to fight it. It's merely doing what it feels is best for you. Show compassion towards it. Then, tip your hat, thank it, and keep moving towards your divine destination that’s been patiently waiting for you.

When will you sit down and have a chat with your fear?