E-couragement: Speak Up
"I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle." Sting
“I won’t be writing your speech,” is what I tell potential clients seeking to hire me as their presentation coach. Now, from a sales perspective, you might wonder about this technique. Perhaps it’s what I say next that really matters: “The speech is already in you. My job is to help you bring it out.”
You see, by writing a speech for my client I cheat them out of the opportunity to own their voice. My role is to help them uncover, structure, and deliver the message that’s uniquely theirs to give. Here’s the deal. Everyone has something to say. That includes you.
You may never deliver a formal speech. You will be prompted to speak up. You have something to offer this world in both word and deed. We need your voice. Withholding your divine message robs others of the wisdom and insight that can only show up through you. Here’s a three-step process to help you discover your message inside:
- Be quiet. Powerful speaking begins with listening. The thirteenth-century poet, theologian, and mystic, Rumi said, “Since in order to speak, one must first learn to listen, learn to speak by listening.” In this case, listen to your own inner voice. Learn to hear the message that might be hidden inside of you.
- Journal. After listening, write. Write your thoughts down. What’s important to you? What matters to you? How has life been preparing you to offer a unique perspective on a specific topic?
- Speak. Eventually you’ll have to summon the courage to speak. A face-to-face expression of your thoughts to an “audience” of one or more. This is when the magic happens. You’ll find how your message resonates with others. This is the affirmation of your voice. Keep speaking (go back to step one).
Life has a way of provoking us to speak. What do you have to say? In order to make your message impactful and memorable, you’ll want to communicate clearly and with passion. This will take practice. It’s not an easy process. It takes a lot of work. Your message is worth it. We need to hear you.
Leave your comments: What message should you be sharing with the world?