E-couragement: Overflowing...
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought.” Peace Pilgrim
The tee shirt was given to me as a gift. It was a nice way for my family to say they felt I had a positive attitude. My youngest daughter, Carley, often comments, “Dad, I tell my friends that you’re the most positive person I know.” The graphic on the shirt is a common phrase meant to point out the different ways we can choose to view our circumstances. You’re probably familiar with the saying.
I was thinking about this tee shirt while driving between clients the other day. The thought struck me, is this really all there is? Are those my only choices… half empty or half full? That’s when I realized I had other and better options. Thinking about my life caused me to consider that my glass isn’t merely half full. It’s overflowing. Yes, that’s what my new tee shirt will read, “overflowing.”
The work I do is engaging. Here are some reasons my work glass continues to overflow:
- I wake up excited about and anticipating my work days.
- What I do doesn’t feel like work, it’s more of a calling.
- I get to work with talented, caring, and inspiring colleagues.
- I have meaningful relationships with my clients. They’re amazing people to work beside.
- I’m always stretching, learning, and growing.
- My work makes a difference for people. It changes lives.
How about you? What about your work might cause your glass to overflow? Let me know…leave your comments.