E-couragement: Knowledge Is NOT Power

October 20, 2009 "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has a genius, magic, and power in it. Begin it now." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We’ve all heard the phrase before, “Knowledge is power.” That expression is outdated and obsolete. There was a time when the bulk of the world’s knowledge was reserved for a select few. That is not the case any longer. Today, knowledge and information is a simple click away. The phrase needs to be modified and updated. Let’s try, “Application is power.”

Several years ago I was vacationing in Blowing Rock, NC. While relaxing in our condo, I noticed a book on the coffee table. The title was Touring the Western North Carolina Backgrounds by Carolyn Sakowski. It was not the style of book I would typically pick up and read. Yet, I did just that. I came upon a portion of her writing that focused on the Cherokee Indians and their influence on the mountains of North Carolina. In particular, she pointed to a Cherokee Chief named Yonaguska, or Drowning Bear. Here’s what I read:

Though he counseled friendship with the white man, Yonaguska was always suspicious of missionaries.  When the Bible was translated into Cherokee, he would not allow it to be read to his people until he had heard it first.  After listening to several chapters, Yonaguska remarked, “Well, it seems to be a good book – strange that the white people are no better, after having had it so long.”

I immediately became a fan of Chief Yonaguska. He got it. What you know is of little consequence, even if you’ve known it for a long time. It’s what you do with what you know that makes a difference in this world. In other words—application!

That’s our commitment here at EXTRAordinary! Inc. Our intention is to incite and embrace change. Change that must occur in order to win back the souls, hearts, and minds of those we lead. The American workplace must be re-engaged by leaders who get it—leaders who will act. Leaders like Chief Yonaguska—will you join us?