Why not both?

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When change appears on the horizon, we feel threatened and compelled to choose sides.

Agriculture or industry.

Oven or microwave.

Strength training or cardio.

Paper notebook or laptop.

The OR mindset can be divisive and draw battle lines. It’s focused on outcomes that are good or bad, right or wrong, win or lose.

We know from hindsight that: Nations grow strong with agriculture and industry. Kitchens are more versatile with an oven and microwave. Health enhances with weights and cardio. Creativity increases with a pen and keyboard.

In life, it’s rarely this OR that...more often it’s this AND that.

Change is coming. Let’s embrace rather than debate.

Perhaps we’ll be working at the office and from home. Traveling and conducting virtual meetings. Building professional and personal relationships. Enjoying success and balance.

Rather than choose sides, let’s consider: Why not both?