The one type of person you can't reason with


Whether you’re motivated by internal desire or external pressure to resolve an issue, a fundamental truth can’t be ignored:

Relationship precedes resolution.

The one type of person you can’t reason with is the person you don’t take the time to know.

Devoid of a relationship, we’re not compelled to invest the energy required to resolve conflict.

Digging the foundation of a solid relationship is necessary if you want to move from avoiding issues to addressing them.

Knowing your colleagues solely from a professional point-of-view isn’t enough.

Take the initiative to know them as people by pushing past the “Hey, how are you?…Fine, how are you?” existence.

Discover what the people around you are passionate about…then:

Be curious. Be authentic. Listen intently.

Do the work upfront so when conflicts inevitably arise, there’s a relationship worth fighting for.

Who could you do a better job of knowing today?