

From 8 years old to 22, I played competitive soccer.

My position?


For the longest time, I wished I was taller and more athletic so I could make super-saves.

Saves that make the highlight reel.

Eventually, I came to terms with my height and athleticism.

That’s when I discovered my competitive advantage: Mastering the fundamentals of my position.

The fact is, over the course of a 90-minute game, there aren’t many chances to make highlight reel saves.

That’s what makes them stand out; they’re rare.

Yet, during that same 90-minutes there are dozens of opportunities to do the ordinary things exceptionally well.

Ultimately, by mastering the fundamentals, I could outperform my competition…even those who were taller and more athletic than me.

It’s the same in business.

You can get stuck wishing you were naturally smarter and more talented.

Or you can master the fundamentals of your role by performing the ordinary things exceptionally well.

Only one of these options are in your control.

Be willing to do the average above average…it’s a game changer.

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