Embrace Commonality

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It takes little skill to recognize differences.

Within moments of walking into a room, we easily identify areas of human differentiation: Gender, race, generations…

It’s important to acknowledge, embrace, and value the diversity represented in all of us. And…there’s so much more to explore.

Concealed just beyond potential barriers of difference, awaits the wonderful expanse of human commonality. And more importantly, human community.

Courage, skill, and discipline are required to venture there:

  •       Courage to replace our yoke of judgement with genuine curiosity.

  •       Skill to ask thoughtful questions.

  •       Discipline to listen. Really listen.

When we’re willing to take the risk to see and be seen past our differences, we are able to unite through the wonder of human connection.

Today, consider how you can express your courage, skill, and discipline to move beyond differences and embrace commonality.