Misery has a mascot

Misery has a mascot (2)

Misery has a mascot (2)

7 out of 10 employees are moderately to fully disengaged.

Our workweek mascot puts the data on display.

Wednesday isn’t just any day. Wednesday is hump day.

The half-way point of the workweek struggle.

Monday and Tuesday mark the uphill battle. Wednesday restores hope that the weekend is within sight. Thursday and Friday are utilized to bully time into moving faster.

Have you ever looked forward to reaching Wednesday on a vacation week?

A workweek celebration becomes a vacation-week crisis as a twinge of panic accompanies the thought: “How is time going by so fast?! SLOW DOWN!”

If working for the weekend is the cadence of your career, you are wishing away 71% of your life.

Think back to when you first started pursuing your purpose.

Of all the dreams you had, you probably never dreamt that Sunday night could fill you with so much anxiety.

You deserve work that is meaningful.

You deserve work that is challenging.

You deserve work that is inspiring.

Life is too short to have your workweek feel too long.

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