E-couragement: The Heart of the Matter

"That man is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot

There once was a very prosperous and successful king. For centuries, the royal family had held a secret from their loyal subjects. They had been keepers of the key to happiness. After so many years, the king was fearful that the people of his great kingdom would learn of his family’s prized possession and, if found, use it unwisely.

One morning the king summoned his brightest and most trusted sage to help solve this dilemma. “Bury the key to happiness in the deepest ocean,” proclaimed the sage. “No, my subjects would surely dive to the depths of the sea to find it,” replied the king.

“Hide it on top of the highest mountain,” was the sage’s next recommendation. “No, I know my people—they will climb relentlessly and discover the key there,” said the king.

“I know,” said the sage with confidence, “bury it deep within each of their hearts. They are sure to never look there to find it.”

I first heard this fable about a year ago. Its truth rings loud and clear. It reminded me of the lesson embedded in the Wizard of Oz metaphor. A simple truth that all you need to be successful, all that’s required to live your purpose and be fulfilled lies within you. Whether it’s courage, a heart, a brain—it’s all there. You lack nothing. The Wizard—or the King has never been in charge of what’s inside of you. You decide whether your “keys” remain hidden and dormant or discovered and alive.

Engaging leaders do the work required to search for the keys buried deep within their own hearts. They uncover and cultivate their unique talents and abilities. As a result, they become more effective, powerful and authentic leaders. People trust them and are more willing to follow, receive feedback, and make changes to improve their own performance.

What keys are buried in your heart? During this holiday season give yourself the gift of solitude and quiet moments to discover (or perhaps rediscover) all that you already are.

Christopher Robin said it best, “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Discover this truth for yourself.